

发布者:环境学院  时间:2021-07-14  浏览:







2017.09-2021.07 威斯尼斯人wns888入口中国生态环境研究中心 博士学位 导师:江桂斌院士 刘倩研究员

2015.09-2017.06 威斯尼斯人wns888入口中国生态环境研究中心联合培养

2014.09-2017.06 山东大学环境研究院 硕士学位 导师:江桂斌院士 刘倩研究员

2010.09-2014.06 山东大学化学与化工学院 学士学位


2021.07至今 威斯尼斯人wns888入口中国 助理研究员


  1. 国家自然科学基金指南引导类原创探索计划项目,22050001,基于稳定同位素分馏的肿瘤发生新途径和新机制研究,2021.01-2021.12100万元,在研,参与。

  2. 中科院前沿探索项目,QYZDB-SSW-DQC018,微纳尺度粒子的环境行为与来源追溯,2016.08-2020.12250万元,已结题,参与。

  3. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目(大气细颗粒物的毒理与健康效应),基于非传统稳定同位素的大气细颗粒物中有害组分来源追踪和环境过程研究,2016.01-2018.12100万元,已结题,参与。


  1. 2019 博士研究生国家奖学金

  2. 2020 入选德国林岛诺贝尔奖获得者大会中国代表团

  3. 2021 中科院和北京市优秀毕业生、中科院院长优秀奖、唐孝炎环境科学创新奖一等奖、中国化学会菁青化学星火奖


  1. Yang, X.; Liu, X.; Zhang, A.; Lu, D.; Li, G.; Zhang, Q.; Liu, Q.*; Jiang, G.*, Distinguishing the sources of silica nanoparticles by dual isotopic fingerprinting and machine learning, Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 1620-1628.

  2. Yang, X.; Lu, D.; Tan, J; Sun, X.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, L.; Li, Y.; Wang, W.; Liu, Q.*; Jiang, G., Two-dimensional silicon fingerprints reveal dramatic variations in the sources of particulate matter in Beijing during 2013-2017, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 7126-7135.

  3. Yang, X.; Lu, D,; Zhu, B.; Sun, Z.; Li, G.; Li J.; Liu, Q.*; Jiang, G., Phase transformation of silica particles in coal and biomass combustion processes, Environmental Pollution, 2022, 292, , Part A, 118312.

  4. Yang, X.; Wu, Q.; Qu, X.; Jiang, W. *, Bound and unbound humic acids perform different roles in the aggregation and deposition of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 586, 738-745.

  5. Lu, D.; Luo, Q.; Chen, R.; Zhuansun, Y.; Jiang, J.; Wang, W.; Yang, X.; Zhang, L.; Liu, X.; Li, F.; Liu, Q.*; Jiang, G.*, Chemical multi-fingerprinting of exogenous ultrafine particles in human serum and pleural effusion. Nature Communications 2020, 11 (1), 2567.

  6. Liu, S.; Yang, R.; Chen, Y.; Zhao, X.; Chen, S.; Yang, X.; Cheng, Z.; Hu, B.; Liang, X.; Yin, N.; Liu, Q.; Wang, H.; Liu, S.; Faiola, F.*, Development of human lung induction models for air pollutants' toxicity assessment, Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(4), 2440-2451.

  7. Zhang, Q.; Lu, D.; Wang, D.; Yang, X.; Zuo, P.; Yang, H.; Fu, Q.; Liu, Q.*; Jiang, G., Separation and tracing of anthropogenic magnetite nanoparticles in the urban atmosphere, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(15), 9274–9284.

  8. Jiao, X.; Ma, Q.; Sun, Z.; Yang, X.; Zhou, Q.*; Qu, G.; Liu, Q.; Liao, C.; Li, Z.; Jiang, G., Airborne fine particles induce hematological effects through regulating the crosstalk of the kallikrein-kinin, complement, and coagulation systems, Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53(5), 2840-2851.

  9. Lu, D.; Liu, Q.*; Yu, M.; Yang, X.; Fu, Q.; Zhao, X.; Mu, Y.; Jiang, G., Natural silicon isotopic signatures reveal the sources of airborne fine particulate matter, Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(3), 1088-1095.

  10. Lu, D.; Tan, J.; Yang, X.; Sun, X.; Liu, Q.*; Jiang, G., Unraveling the role of silicon in atmospheric aerosol secondary formation: a new conservative tracer for aerosol chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 19(5), 2861-2870.

  11. Long, Y.; Yang, X.; Yang, Q.; Clermont, A.; Yin, G.; Liu, G.; Hu, L.; Liu, Q.; Zhou, Q.; Liu, Q.; Ma, Q.; Liu, Y.; Cai, Y.*, PM2.5 induces vascular permeability increase through activating MAPK/ERK signaling pathway and ROS generation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 386, 121659.

  12. Shi, E.; Xu, Z.; Wang, W.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, X.; Liu, Q,; Zeng, T.; Song, S.; Jiang, Y.; Li, L.*; Sharma, V., Ag2S-doped core-shell nanostructures of Fe3O4@Ag3PO4 ultrathin film: Major role of hole in rapid degradation of pollutants under visible light irradiation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 366.123-132.

  13. Shi, E.; Xu, Z.; Zhang, X.; Yang, X.; Liu, Q.; Zhang, H.; Wimmer, A.; Li, L.*, Re-evaluation of stability and toxicity of silver sulfide nanoparticle in environmental water: Oxidative dissolution by manganese oxide, Environmental Pollution, 2018, 243, 1242-1251.

  14. Lu, D.; Zhang, T.; Yang, X.; Su, P.; Liu, Q.*; Jiang, G., Recent advances in analysis of non-traditional stable isotopes by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2017, 32(10), 1848-1861.

  15. 苏鹏,陆达伟,杨学志,王伟超,刘倩,江桂斌.非传统稳定同位素在大气颗粒物溯源中的应用.《中国科学:化学》,2018,48(10):1163-1170.

  16. 张璐瑶,陈子谷,杨学志,陆达伟,刘倩,江桂斌.多接收器电感耦合等离子体质谱方法的开发和应用进展.《色谱》,2021,39(01):4-9.


  1. 《环境化学前沿第二辑》第2 环境稳定同位素技术研究进展

  2. 《原子光谱分析前沿》第22 MC-ICP-MS在生物和环境同位素分析中的应用

  3. 《大气细颗粒物的毒理与健康效应》第2章第2 细颗粒物的硅同位素指纹溯源技术

  4. 《环境暴露与健康效应》第6 基于稳定同位素分馏的颗粒污染物行为和来源示踪方法

  5. 《高等环境化学》第7 环境污染来源与过程的示踪方法


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